Parimal Mitra Smriti Mahavidyalaya

Enhanced Learning Experiences

As primary stakeholders, the students have been pivotal so far as the teaching learning process is concerned. We try to mould ourselves accordingly to cater to their needs. Our primary objective is to engage the attention of the students and make them think on their own. Through group discussions, student seminars we make education interactive and interesting. The students are able to develop their power of logical reasoning and articulation. They are given case studies to work upon, that not only sharpens their comprehension of the particular subject but also prepares them to meet life’s challenges in the days ahead. The educational excursions, field works bring a breath of fresh air as the students move out of the confines of the classroom and are duly enriched by their experiences. This reflects on the reports they submit on returning to the college. The student-centric learning and an ambience conducive to the same is thus created for a harmonious development of our students’ personality.
The arrival of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionised the process of teaching. It has opened up new avenues of accumulating and disseminating knowledge that can be no longer ignored in the best interests of all. Accordingly, we have moved with the times and embraced this new medium of education. Our college is a WIFI zone. We have two smart classrooms and three ICT enabled classrooms out of which one is adequately furnished to serve as a seminar hall. The availability of LCD projector and laptop enables us to take recourse to PPT while teaching and facilitates the organisation of seminars and conferences in our conference hall. We are trying to augment these resources gradually to enable more ICT classes simultaneously.
We try to provide holistic education to our students that aims at a harmonious development of their personality. The observation of Students’ Week, participation in Youth Parliament Competition and the like enables the students to showcase their talent, sharpen their skills and develop a competitive urge to excel. The regular students of the college are members of the Electoral Literacy Club post registration to the coordinating faculty members. Henceforth they actively engage in awareness programme for new voters. Thus, they are sensitised about their constitutional obligations and democratic rights.
The extension outreach programmes play a vital role in instilling basic human values in our students and develop a sense of social responsibility. With the NCC cadets at the helm our students engage in several community welfare programmes like blood donation, hospital cleaning, bus stop cleaning, tree plantation drives, traffic maintenance and have earned laurels for the same. During the lockdown enforced by the pandemic they have out of their own accord come forward to sensitise people in their neighbourhood about the necessity of maintaining covid protocols. It is really heartwarming to see our young children blossoming into wholesome individuals with a profound sense of commitment to their community and environment.
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