The statutory declaration made by the Principal, Dr. Kartick Chandra Dey in the college website: https//www.pmsm.org/ is in conformity with the stipulations of the section 4 (1) (b) of the RTI Act, 2005.The college is affiliated to the University of North Bengal and aided by the Government of West Bengal.The college has constituted an RTI Cell as per the West Bengal Govt. Memo No. ED – 1964/2017 dated 22-09-2017, duly approved by the Governing Body (resolution no. 10 dated 14-05-2022)

The college has a Governing Body at the Apex, the Principal as the Head of the Institution and the IQAC to conduct the quality enhancement initiatives. It acts in strict adherence to the rules and regulations of the Government of West Bengal, and guidelines issued by the University of North Bengal.It has different statutory committees and cells to facilitate smooth running of the activities and ensure discipline in the campus. It is a grant-in-aid college and the financial transactions are audited by the empanelled government auditors.

The applications under the RTI Act along with a non-judicial postal stamp of Rs. 10/- issued in favour of the Principal, Parimal Mitra Smriti Mahavidyalaya may be sent to the State Public Information Officer (SPIO) in person or over email.

All information about the college is open for the public and it can be accessed easily by the citizens of India. At present no RTI application is pending.

The members of the RTI Cell of the institution and their contact details are given below:

Serial No. Name Designation Contact number Email ID
1 Prof. Basudev Paul State Public Information Officer 9434808942 vasudev@gmail.com
2 Dr.Sheshadri Prosad Bose Appellate Authority 9434151863 sheshadriprosadbose@gmail.com

RTI ACT 2005

Locate Us
Contact Us
    1. Parimal Mitra Smriti Mahavidyalaya

      West Bengal. PIN 735 221

    2. +91 999999999
    3. pmsm1985@gmail.com
    4. https://www.pmsm.org/