Institutional Distinctiveness
Institutional Distinctiveness
Situated in a tribal belt in western Dooars we are committed to the uplift of local community. The task begins from the classroom where we meet our students inherently diverse representing different linguistic, cultural, religious, socio-economic background, a significant portion of whom are first generation learners. They have come so far, battling many odds. It is our bounden duty to assist them in their journey forward. As we run after the curriculum in a packed class of a mixed batch of students, some inevitably trail behind others. We identify them, and arrange tutorials besides the stipulated classes where we address the special needs of these slow learners, develop their writing skills, and bring them at par with their classmates.
We are firmly resolved to remove all impediments on the path of education of our children. Economic insufficiency is one of the foremost of these that we strive to combat. We have a Students’ Welfare Fund from where we provide half-free, full-free exemption on the admission fees of the deserving registered students. During the pandemic we reduced the tuition fee by three months for all students, thereby facilitating the guardians to meet the educational expenses in that period of job uncertainties.
Besides these facilities provided by the college, we have maintained over the years a high success rate of disbursing the different scholarships provided by the Central and State government: Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship for the meritorious, economically backward students, Aikyasree for SC, ST students, OASIS for the students from minority communities and Kanyasree for the unmarried girl students.
We have also endeavoured to tap other avenues for providing financial benefit to maximum number of our deserving students. Towards this end we have sent our students to participate in a written test held at Jalpaiguri and conducted by Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark, Kolkata on September 4, 2022 for providing scholarship to the meritorious, needy students. Two of our children have excelled in the examination and acquired by their merit the prized scholarship of four thousand rupees.