Library Rules
Library Rules
Rules For The Teachers & Non-Teaching Staffs
- Substantive Teachers’ Lending Rule: For each Substantive teacher including the Principal and the Librarian of the College, a Lending Register is maintained. A maximum of 20 books have been assigned to each teacher for a period of 30 days, after that 1 week of renewal facility.
- SACT Teachers’ Lending Rule: For each SACT teacher a separate Lending Register is maintained. A maximum of 8 books have been assigned to each teacher for a period of 30 days, after that 1 week of renewal facility.
Guest Teachers’ Lending Rule: For each - Guest/Contractual Teacher the Lending Register of SACT Teachers is used and maintained. A maximum of 5 books have been assigned to each teacher for a period of 90 days, after that 1 week of renewal facility.
- A full-timed non-teaching staff can borrow a maximum of 5 books for a period of 90 days.
- A casual non-teaching staff can borrow a maximum of 3 books for a period of 90 days.
- If any book borrowed by any category of teaching and non-teaching staff is lost, the concerned person must convey the fact immediately to the Librarian. The library will incur the lost fine and the amount to be paid by the borrower.
- For photocopying of books and journals by the employees of the institution, the library levies a cost of Rs. 2 per page.
- The library is transforming its activities from manual to computerized. Therefore, the library cards for all employees are going to be prepared through Koha ILMS and future transaction of books will only be conducted online instead of maintaining manual lending registers.
Rules For The Teachers & Non-Teaching Staffs
- All readers are required to maintain perfect silence and discipline in the library.
- Deposit the personal belongings at the property counter .
- The library card/ Identity Card is compulsory to avail of library facilities.
- Library cards are not transferable.
- Library users should enter his/her name, roll no etc on register kept at the entrance.
- Students can borrow 2 (two) books at a time for 10 days. The books may be renewed if the same are not in demand or are not reserved by other readers.
- Students can lend text books, journals and question paper sets on their Card in the reading room.
- The librarian can recall books on loan at any time.
- Overdue charge is levied at Rs 2/- per book per day.
- Lost card can be renewed on payment of Rs 20/-.
- Photocopy (Xerox) facility is available in library at the rate of Rs 1.00 per page.
- Printing facility is available for the user at a nominal cost of Rs 3.00 per page. Downloading of undesirable e-resources is strictly forbidden and is a punishable offence .
- The Library staff are authorized to search the person or a reader if he/she is suspected .
- In case any book is lost or damaged by the user, the user shall replace the book or shall pay the cost of replacement.
- No-dues certificate should be collected from the library before collecting the admit for examination.
- Suggestion box is kept in the library. Constructive suggestions are most welcomed .
- Beverages and eatables are not allowed inside the library. Smoking , chewing or having any tobacco product is not permitted in the library. Uses of Mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the library.
- No visitor or guest is permitted to use the Library without the prior permission of the Librarian. He/She is required to produce a proper introduction letter from the concerned Institution/Organization thereafter who wishes to use the Library facility.